bcb celebrates 20 years as a leader in thermography and artificial vision

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This June, the bcb has turned 20 years since its creation. All this time working to improve products and services, the development of new systems and achieve the satisfaction of our customers.

It was in 1996 that this Spanish SME was founded with a multidisciplinary team committed to the development and innovation of new projects. We already have 20 years of experience in software development in the field of communications, automated test equipment, artificial vision (IR), sensor integration and data acquisition systems, which allows us to offer our services in different types of industrial (automotive , electricity, agriculture, food, energy, etc).

In 2012 it was decided to expand the market in search of new business opportunities in the Mexican industry and a subsidiary was opened in Mexico City and Monterrey with the aim of offering experience, solutions and services in the automobile manufacturing industry and mining.

Currently bcb is the official distributor and integrator of FLIR thermal imaging cameras in Spain, Portugal and Mexico.

Outlook for the future:

Solutions based on the science of photonics have room for expansion, providing solutions for different fields such as monitoring of processes and activities or in healthcare applications. bcb is in collaboration with different partners to develop new photonic techniques to offer to the current market. Regarding its experience in thermography, there are different solutions under development for different areas of the industry since it allows the detection of anomalies that are not visible to the human eye. This technology also provides us with a deep visualization, the precision of the measurement and the possibility of automating the processes, minimizing costs.
