bcb participated in the program Cultura Emprende on Radio Intereconomía

Represented by our CEO, Javier Bezares,  bcb had the pleasure of being invited to the program Cultura Emprende, hosted by Ángel Calvo Mañas and with the participation of Alejandra Ron-Pedrique and Víctor Delgado. The invitation was received from the AIMEA association, which is precisely chaired by Víctor Delgado.

In the interview, Javier spoke about the foundation of the company, its expertise, the importance of innovation in the corporate philosophy and the projects carried out and in progress at  bcb.

“We try to offer tailor-made solutions to our clients, who are usually very large companies in very different sectors”, commented Javier before listing some of the main companies for which  bcb has collaborated, in sectors as different from each other as solar thermal, steel and automotive. In the same way, he recounted the participations he has had with foundations and innovation and research institutes such as the CDTIDLRFraunhofer and Max Planck.

Javier was also asked about how the conflict in Ukraine had affected the sectors for which  bcb works, to which he commented that if this situation had not had repercussions for the company, the problem of shortage of semiconductors had influenced the times delivery of materials.

At the end of the interview, Ángel thanked them for participating and for having made a Spanish technology PYME such as  bcb known to his audience.

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