On February 11, bcb was present at the Innovation Workshop that Secpho, in collaboration with ArcelorMittal Global R&D Basque Country, developed In-house, in the production plant that ArcelorMittal has located in the Vizcaíno municipality of Sestao, on the banks of the Ría of the Nervión.
Innovation Workshop at ArcelorMittal.
AMBCRC is a Research Center specialized in the steel sector and in the development of new materials used in the construction sector. The main objective of the center is to investigate the new possibilities offered by the steel material and, in general, to develop R & D & I activities of interest to both the Basque Government and the ArcelorMittal company.
The ArcelorMittal plant produces hot rolled and pickled steel coil. It has two electric arc furnaces and facilities to manufacture 900,000 tons of hot coil and 500,000 tons of pickled coil per year.
The objective of the day was to learn about the production process. The participants in the event made visits to all parts of the process guided by the technicians who have defined the innovation challenges and explained ‘in situ’.
A posteriori, an innovation workshop was held distributed in two sessions where the possible collaborative innovation projects that can lead to solve these challenges were discussed.
A strict control of operations is carried out in metallurgy, a sector in which no step is taken without first having made a rigorous analysis. Not only quality and efficiency are sought, but also the safety of equipment and operators.
The tool portfolio that integrates bcbMonitor 4.0 makes it a valuable resource for the Steel Industry.
Speed, quality and safety: the 3 most sought-after aspects in the industry for its processes, which always seeks to improve with the equipment and services of the market. Thermal radiation is present everywhere and analyzing and recording it in detail is the key. That is why bcbMonitor 4.0 is the most complete control and automation solution based on thermography.
300 ° C, humid environments, weather, long distances, high speeds, communication protocols. Nothing stops what today is the definitive IR system.