XX National Congress of Food Science and Technology

Últimas noticias

bcb was in charge of imparting the Inagural Conference under the title “Use of thermography for R & D, process control and quality to ensure repeatability and traceability within Industry 4.0 in Food”.

On May 23, the XX NATIONAL CONGRESS OF FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY and the V INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON INNOVATION AND TRENDS IN FOOD PROCESSING was inaugurated, organized by the Faculty of Biological Sciences of the UANL and the division of life sciences of the University of Guanajuato in Mexico.

Javier Bezares, CEO of bcb, was in charge of giving this keynote address, which dealt with issues such as the repeatability and total traceability of the production process, with examples of multiple applications of IR images in the food industry such as Animal Inspection and of your meat, Cooked Foods: Temperature Mapping, Dairy Products and Pre-Cooked, Bakery and Baked Goods or Chocolate:

In previous years more than 20 entities presented their innovations, data that has been exceeded this year

Innovation in food processing in Mexico is the result of multiple investigations by scientists who work every day to generate new and better technologies that guarantee food safety, a fundamental aspect of human health.

Food engineering studies cover economic, political, social, educational and research processes, focused on solving imminent problems related to the great challenge that the food industry in Mexico has to be competitive and have the necessary conditions to stay in business. market with high standards and a referential seal that promotes the production of the field and national food security.
